Monday, October 27, 2008

For the Design Experiment Challenge #33

"Perfect". For challenge #33 at The Design Experiment. About capturing the moment. We took a hike in our local woods yesterday, although my son was not having a good day. Everything just seemed to be wrong. Fresh air and exercise usually helps, and this was no exception. I did get some good shots of his misery before he cheered up though! ;-)


{ Kristina } said...

Hehe, ikke alltid lett det der. :) Men en flott layout da. Artig å huske slike minner også.

~divian said...

This is beautiful! Love his pouty face...even though he is upset, he is still a cutie!

Karoline said...

Flott layout, liker hvordan du har kombinert bruntoner med lilla, ikke så vanlig kombinasjon men veldig effektfull.
Artige bilder også ;-)

Takk for hyggelige kommentarer i bloggen min også, alltid moro å oppdage nye blogger!